How Loud Are the Drums of War?

Savina had broke off from the main group with Mati and headed towards the cabin where they knew the prisoners were kept. As the leader of the Dreamers, it might have been more prudent for her to stay in the main fight, but she was not only a Consul but a mother and two of her children were held in that building. The Marino would see them freed and on their way back to safety before she did anything else this day. As they moved, emerald eyes flashed occasionally to the violet eyed woman who loved her Cambria so. Never before had she seen Mati filled with such a fury and purpose. Even so, she would do all she could to protect the Church fey from harm as well. Mati would be the one to take Cambria back to safety. Then Savina could turn her focus elsewhere.

The cabin was in sight and already a man had engaged the Guardians outside and there were sounds of a struggle coming from inside the wooden walls of the structure. The hulking secui Italian stuck close to Mati's side as they charged towards the door with a snarl on her face. If any tried to get in their way, she would handle them while the younger woman went to get inside the cabin.

Image courtesy of Marshdude@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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