[M] Welcome to my world, hun ho[p]e you like it
Rain listened to Sam's story and felt his heart wrench. He could hear the way she talked about it. It hurt her to speak of the death of her family. As she took off the dress she wore Rain understood why she wore the clothes to cover her figure. On her stomach was a scar like a flame licked her fur and burned away the fur. She was ashamed of her scar and he pulled her and he sat up and gently pulled her to him, running a hand over her scar. Rain himself held scars of his own, the one from the bear that had attacked him as a child and the scars that Saxif had left on him. Shiloh hadn't been as lucky as his mate and had been burned bad enough that she had not fur from almost the elbows, some of the fur had been burned off her skin. She had already thought of herself as a monster because of her scars now he had added to them. He gently stroked the soft skin of Sam's burn mark and smiled.

"I understand now. Understand why you where the human clothes and can't talk about the fire. You blame yourself for your family dying. Sam..... oh my dear Sam... it was never your fault. You tried to help, to save them and that other wolf took them from you. It's not your fault you lost your family, not your fault you were burned. This scar changes nothing between us. I find you even more beautiful now knowing why you hid from me. You never have to hid from me Sam. I love you, scars and all. You are beautiful just the way you are," he said licking her softly before ladling her some soup.

"Old family recipe. I will give it to you later. For now enjoy it," he said handing her a deep bowl full of the meaty broth. He let her take the bowl from him before getting fur blanket and putting it over her shoulders. "You look cold," he said softly sitting back down next to her

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