It Began to Flower
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ooc: September 26th. 723 Words Oh shush! The wait was well worth it, I assure you. Im just glad RL stress hasn't killed you. Smile

Time passed with seamless ease. Little troubled the mind of the Nomad female once she was certain of the path she wished to take. But it was not without a sense of hesitation, albeit small, near infinitesimal. X'yrin found herself thinking more on the future, a strange concept for one used to taking each day as it came. She pondered the idea of 'routine' and what it entailed. The concept of true responsibility for a congregation not wholly her own, as of yet. And most troubling of all, would she, a stranger, be accepted among Ichika? She was graciously accepted by its Ryu (or High Shepard as she chose to think of the kind woman), but what of their followers? The woman had witnessed the segregation that was often suffered by those not of Nomadic blood seeking refuge in their midst, and truth be told she was one of many that turned her eyes from the unfamiliar. But in time, when the merit of the new blood was shown, their abilities weighed and adhered, there was no longer a differentiation... they gradually became part of the keep and were enveloped within the welcoming embrace of the Nomads.

Though it always worked in favor for the newly turned, she couldn't help but wonder if these turn would not favor her. But how could she think like that? Wasn't the generous offer of Nayru enough to dispel that notion? What of the enlightening conversation she shared with the warrior Jaden? That alone should have served as a means to alter her thinking. This was all just some poor attempt to psyche herself out, she reasoned. Just a way to convince herself this was not what she wanted. It was but a small voice against the booming desire to make the most of this opportunity and see it through. Risk of stagnation be damned! She had traveled among a vast group and broken from it to rejuvenate her desire! She was capable of finding something to keep her interest if the idle nature dared rear its head again. There was not reason for her to deny herself. She hadn't then and wouldn't now...

Abruptly the woman was jarred from her deep thought. The alluring scent of familiarity leading her nose and body forward, rounding her impressive form from its bed of fragrant grass to stand in the presence of authority. The Nomad smiled, tail waving in greeting and elation. She was a cub again, exhibiting the same excitement for laying eyes upon the High Shepard; honored as always. Respectfully, she dipped her head. "Shepard- I mean... Ryu Nayru, I am glad to see you." The woman inched a step forward but paused feeling the absence of lush fur atop her shoulders. X'yrin looked down briefly, finding her adornment within the indention of where she lay. She left it there for now, reminding herself to retrieve it later before returning her gaze her the soft-spoken lady. "I find my days are peaceful on your lands... and your warrior very pleasant." The corners of her maw twitched slightly, fighting the urge to split into a fanciful grin.

"We spoke for hours," she went on, her dexterous tongue now loose and confident. "We hadn't even noticed the sun was near setting. We talked of our practices, our art of fighting. I hadn't had that pleasant of a conversation in some time and wanted to demonstrate my skill. But I..." the woman's smile receded slightly as a sort of bashful look overcame her. Her head lowered, she peeked from beneath lowered brows to what she hoped would become her superior. "I thought of the time I was allowed and realized it might prove difficult unless I spoke with you again. Truly this place awards an opportunity few like myself would take. But I am not like my brethren. A Nomad at heart I will remain, but I would like to stay here and take part in a life I haven't known." Habitually, she awkwardly raised a paw to pat her lowered head to inquire 'understanding' of the Ryu. "I have my skills as a warrior and tales of my adventures to offer as trade for permission... but I hope in due time I can learn other skills to retain my usefulness... if you allow me the chance, Jiryu Nayru."


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