nobody's child
When the steel had finally been cut to Oxford's satisfaction, he set it down and prepared to work on the handle. There were two types of handles, the first being known as scale or slab while the second is just a one-piece. For as long as Ox had been making knives, he'd used the latter option. It was simpler and usually took less time. It was just as he was beginning to set up the material to surround the tang of the blade that he heard a rustling behind him and turned to find the man he'd met upon first joining the clan silently watching him.

"Hello," he greeted turning away from Anselm after the greeting to continue shaping the handle around the tang. "Need something?" he asked in a friendly enough way. Anselm had left a decent enough impression on Oxford. He'd seemed a bit strange but nothing really unnerving. As he smoothed the wooden handle with care, he kept an ear open for the older hybrid's response.


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