fast pass down a one way track.
Yet someone still breathed. Dhalia, perched neatly atop on of the many random rocks that were strewn about the borders of Inferni, kept careful watch over what was going on inside. At least, as much as she could through the darkness. At some point she had wandered away from Oxford's den and returned to her spot at the borders, having yet to encounter the creature that she had been seeking. As she had told Oxford, Dhalia would wait for the Inferni leader to come on his own accord, unwilling to disturb him no matter how long it meant that she would be waiting.

Icy eyes swept carefully through the darkness, back and forth as they searched the borders. As always, unless invited in, she kept herself positioned just outside of them. Soon enough it would be time to retreat to the rear of the rock to lay down for a rest, but for the time she was intent on watching. Paranoid as her new friend seemed the first time he came upon her, Dhalia had a sneaking suspicion that they were waiting for an oncoming attack. Perhaps Gabriel would show himself in the night, then. Red ears jerked forward suddenly, certain that she had heard something through the silence, but as she waited and listened, nothing came. "Is that you, songbird?" Certainly it wasn't Oxford, he would have likely been less sneaky, assuming that it was anyone at all.


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