It Began to Flower
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ooc: September 26th. 290 Words omigosh... so short

In so few words, Nayru had summed up the desires of the Nomad. Truly she wished to be a part of the prosperity that was Ichika no Ho-en and indulge within these days of ease. She wanted to find purpose and set aside the endless road til her heart was content. However, she knew in her heart she could not relinquish her nature as a Nomad nor the teachings and practices instilled in her, but that was part of the beauty. She could share her knowledge, parts of her ways, and offer them to receptive ears. There was no question this was what she wanted, encouraged by the elation felt when drawn into conversation by a kindred spirit.

The woman had had enough time to herself that she weighed these pros and cons. The life of the road verses sediment community; a life never experienced. It was frightening, but more exciting than anything. This was her precipace, her choice to remain the Wanderer as her forebears and retain their ways, or evolve; hold fast to their teachings but thread a path not theirs and learn from it. She chose the more invigorating... the more promising. Determined, she lifted her gaze to the Jiryu, head raised with pride and certainty with smile maintained. "I am certain, Jiryu Nayru," she announced. "Heavy steps lead me from certainty into the unknown... and again my strides are leading me into uncertainty. But I brave it, as the loner wanderers through the unknown, though I am fortunate to have understanding guides. I hope that as my Shepard has lead me, I too will lead wanderers through their 'unknown' as a comforting guide so they may make the unfamiliar familiar as Ichika will do for me."


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