Blood sweat tears

ooc: =( (338 words)

Liam's entire body ached and his mind was a jumbled mess. He couldn't remember just when he'd separated from Robin and Ayasha but he had. In fact, he'd shifted from his Secui form into his preferred Optime form a couple minutes ago and had gotten most of the blood out of his brown fur. A scowl seemed to have sarred his face as solemn eyes glanced around the Court in despair...

“The King's brother-in-law... Zafier. He's dead.”

Liam heard the words but they didn't fully sink into his cluttered, blurry mind until minutes later. It was then that he started running, ignoring the pain in his legs as he did so. His features were strained and a low growl crept from the inside of his chest and into his throat as he glanced around for his family – his dad, his mom, Kable or 'Mara... He wanted to know if the rumors were true. Was his Uncle really dead? If so, who had killed him? Liam had never been close to his Uncle but he wanted to know. Whoever had done it... whoever had struck the fatal blow... Liam shook his head aimlessly. What was he going to do? All of the pain... the idea of hurting somebody... it was slowly driving him crazy. This whole war thing really wasn't for him.

“Mara.” Liam whispered as he walked over, a careful hand resting on her furry red shoulder. He was still a bloody, muddy mess and a few scratches and bruises plagued parts of his body but he didn't care if she saw his state or not. He was old enough to fight – no one was going to scold him for being a hero today. He stared down at the fresh grave for a few seconds before his eyes moved to his grieving red and white half-sister. “This sucks.” was all he could say.

So many people were getting hurt – physically or emotionally – because of this and it just had to end.

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Table by Kit.

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