It Began to Flower
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ooc: September 26th. 262 Words

The woman was receptive, heeding what needed to be adhered to before she could call herself Ichikan. She listened carefully to the words of the oath, repeating after where appropriate. It was as simple as taking wanderers into the Nomads' midst, but instead of falling into a sect better fit for her skills, she would learn to find her niche within a single family.

"I am Exultare," she began humbly. "I am Ichikan. I seek love in my heart and knowledge in my mind... and wisdom in my spirit. I will love my fellow Ichikans and know them as family to the fullest I can; I will devote myself to my duties and learn from my work and the work of others. I will try my best to embrace all walks of life, faith and love. I understand that if I devote myself to love, knowledge and wisdom I will learn my path to true personal happiness, and find my place in the circle of life."

True personal happiness. She hadn't thought about that; what made her happy. It was profound that these three objectives love, knowledge, and wisdom would bring about as sense of fulfillment... happiness. She was an excitable female by nature, but had she been happy? Humbled, yes. Honored, of course. But happy... The creed of Ichika stirred much more than what the female bargained for yet at the same time opened a door. And wanted to walk through and find this promised happiness.

Smiling, she looked to Nayru expectantly awaiting the next step toward her solidification within Ichika.


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