Crows and Sunflowers

Word Count :: 000Hey there!
Sam is in Lupus!Pardon my fail XD

It had been so long since Samantha had shifted to Lupus. The immense joy of being able to run on all fours was rather satisfying. The wind flew through the ivory girl's fur. The sunflowers all around caught her attention, and she was rather confused. She didn't know that flowers still bloomed far into October. But Sam didn't know about all of the flora and fauna of Nova Scotia, she was used to the tropical plants back in Rio. Sam was awestruck for the moment, until she heard rustling in the field. Keeping her ivory canvas parallel to the soft ground, Sam crept up. The scent was that of Kiara Amarok. One of the ichika wolves. Sam grinned and crept up closer. When she was close, she lept at the wolf (but not trying to pounce or knock her down) just to scare her or fake a pounce. "Hey Kiara, how's it goin?" She whispered as she joined in on chasing the birds.

Sam wagged her tail in a friendly manner. "Mind if I join?" She giggled and kept her sea green eyes on the crows. Kiara was a rebel, fun in every way. Sam knew that this would be entertaining. When she saw Kiara chasing the crows, after squacking and flapping their wings, they returned to the field. "Silly birds... Soon the chase would be on and the field erupting birds.

table by cactus; code by the Mentors!

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