Some call me a sinner, others, a saint

Word Count :: 000 Hey there! Wassup? Big Grin Sammy is in Optime. Excuse my fail, you are way better at this!

Long ivory legs carried her, Samantha's legs were beginning to ache, as she had been walking all day. The young woman had spent her time around these areas visiting her soon-to-be mate Rain Marks in Anathema. Samantha sacrificed her home of Ichika for Rain, she would miss the pack but she loved Rain so much more. The foliage around her path became much thicker, Samantha believed that everything was part of the Great Mother. She carefully moved them out of the way and carried on. A smell of something burning (although it was a pleasant smell) was in the air. The girl followed the scent until she came into a little clearing in the forest, a woman sat cross-legged, a perfect lotus poise. A gentle smile crossed Sam's features and she approached. She was careful to not make any sign of a threat. She licked her lips nervously. This woman was older and seemed to be reading some kind of book. The young wolf was always eager to learn new things, "H-Hello, I hate to interrupt or intrude. But...What is that book? I haven't really seen books much, but that one is making me a little curious." Her voice was soft and rather shy, that was usual for strangers that she just met, and Samantha was one of peace she liked friendship and love. "Do you mind if I join you?" She suddenly asked. "My name is Samantha Jarret." She sat down and tried to imitate the lady in the way that she sat. She didn't want to anger her, maybe get to know her. More and more the Book was making her curious.

Sam sat beside her, the scent of incense dizzying her a little as it was potent when up close. "If I may ask, what are you doing here?" Her voice was tinted with an edge of curiousness. She really wanted to know. This was not what she saw many days in Ichika. Her tail flicked back and forth as she waited.

table by cactus; code by the Mentors!

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