[J] finding freedom

::: word count?- Yeah I thought so too. Thanks James! I kind of failed as she won't get up until Naniko let's her.

Sounds nearby made the she-wolf turn. A woman came from the clearing and approached. Her stance was dominant and instinctively, Samantha dropped to the ground, lowering her body to the ground to roll over on her back to reveal her abdomen. After the submission, Sam remained on the ground but still talked to the leader. She remembered her name, from Jace telling her about Naniko. "Yes I have called you Lady Naniko. I have come to join Anathema." Samantha's voice was soft and her tail thumped the ground softly. "A member here, Rain Marks has asked me to be his mate and I have come here to hopefully live with him." That was the main reason, but she wasn't here in Anathema just for him, she was very skilled and could offer her talents to the pack. She had asked Rain to come along with er to meet the leader, but she saw no sign of him. Rain had been busy these days but at least Naniko was friendly enough. "My name's Samantha Jarret. I came from Ichika no Ho-en." She smiled and waited.

table by cactus; code by the Mentors!

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