Peel the skin away
The scent of Haku seemed to cling to her as she stalked the scent of a relative through the lands, she caught sight of the ebony pelt shot through with simmers of red as she snarled to herself. She should have known her sister would be the one to follow her about. She shook her head in annoyance as she stepped out of the woods and glared at her sibling before her. Her voice was icy as she demanded, "What are you doing here!" she had yet to hear of the pack her mother belong to being disbanded, but the sudden appearance of a sibling in this pack was a disaster.

Narrowing her eyes she planted herself in her siblings way, they were so opposite eachother except their eyecolor and she liked it thatway. There wasn't a single thing you could find to really link them as relatives except that lingering scent, but she knew well enough that she wasn't happy to have to dea lwith this new hand in the game of cards they were playing. She flicked her ears back and hoped that there wasn't anything her sister had already revealed to any of the other packmembers.

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