[J] finding freedom

Someone had told this luperci of her, that her name was Naniko. She had to have come to the lands previously, then, unless Naniko had some sort of a reputation outside of the packlands that preceded her. The female gave her a surprise when she curled into a submissive position, but she did not tell her to rise just yet. Such displays were appropriate to see from a joiner, an unproven one. She didn't expect it, but she would be less likely to respect a canine who did not show her the respect that she deserved as well.

It seemed that one of the newer members had brought her over to join the pack and become his mate. She wasn't related to anyone else that Naniko knew of, but she strongly respected the ties of mateship and family. "I see." She said simply, considering things. "We have many members already within our lands...but this is important and I would not turn you away. Do you have any skills that would be useful to me and my pack, though?" She asked. "You may rise."

Rain arrived before too much longer, an otter surprising the Angela by rushing past her toward Sam. She didn't have an animal companion, herself - she didn't trust animals to do anything but dirty work for her. She didn't trust a horse to carry her or she would have one of those. "It's fine. I was just asking her about her skills - I would like to accept her, but I want to know what path she might wish to persue once she is within our lands."

Image courtesy of Mocodragon@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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