[M] Trap the world in friendship

WC: 500+ Trap she is attempting to build is similar to this but with thick twigs. Live Trap Finished reading bio/story... epic! Is my response and poor guy... poor both of them. Also Saxif has a fetish type thing about scars XD

The huntress smiled, for he seemed to ramble off his questions and curiosities with out care. Her golden eyes inspected the wolf as he sat before her. She couldn’t help but to stare at the scar along his face, his damaged eye most intriguing to the huntress. Scars always brought great curiosity to the female for every scar a wolf bared always came with a tale. She felt her stare becoming an awkward silence so she finally blurted out. Saxif, Saxif Goldenfeather. She held her hand out awaiting for his grasp of her healthy left hand.

And traps are quite useful when you would rather be tracking larger creatures instead of wasting time on the small or if you have many mouths to feed. But in this case it is necessary only because of my incapacity to use my bow or run on my fours. She sighed slightly embarrassed at her current helplessness. She gathered two pieces for the male to tie. These have to be at this angle. She gave him a strand of sinew.

Normally I snare them, far easier but winter is coming and gathering unscathed furs might come in handy for trade or bedding. Plus… since I can’t kill anything might as well soothe that ache while I’m at it. She chuckled lightly but rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. She was a hunter, nothing could compare to the fresh warmth of a kill. It was rather much like cheating to her but in her current state she would take what she could get. She watched the male as he worked only slightly directing him here and there.

He reminded her so much of the wolves of her homeland but the subtle differences were clear. There was something about the way he held himself though, something familiar about his posture and pride. Her own form sat straight with her head held high only slightly tilting at her curiosity. Where are you from? Normally she never took interest of people’s origins considering everyone in Souls’ as merely Loner’s or pack members. She knew his pelt smelled of Cour de Miracles as she had come quite familiar with it in the war fighting beside so many. But they still even had a different way about them. She could sense his cockiness and charm feeling slightly flattered by it but there was something more about this male that drew her in.

That scar most of all, the huntress couldn’t help but blatantly admire a wolf with scars. She wore hers with pride even the one that pained her heart every time she looked at it. Though slightly hidden beneath the splint it was still a visible spiral from wrist to elbow. She still had many minor but fresh wounds however they were merely disregarded and shadowed by the pain of her arm. She felt caught staring and quickly started to play with the fur on her leg. A nervous twitch usually only present in those she finds fascinating or beautiful. In this case she was just damned curious. She realized then that she was surprisingly not as angry as she had been before he arrived.

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