[J] finding freedom

She had already decided that she could find a place for this female among her ranks, but that did not mean that she would show it. The female did not like looking soft or weak and didn't want to let the others know about her thoughts on this matter. If she told the other canines that she would welcome Sam in regardless of her skill level or abilities, they might think that she wasn't a very good leader or that she had low standards for pack members that she accepted.

"I feel that those skills are a good place to start - our rank tiers encourage growth, so I expect that you will be able to hone those skills during your time here." She said. Naniko reached for her ceremonial dagger slowly, pulling it from its sheath. "You are unrelated to the pack - to become one of the family, you must go through the Rite of Agares. During this rite, a small cut will be made on your hand...then on my own. We will join them together and share blood, becoming blood family. Do you accept?" She looked at the female and waited for a reply. She wasn't certain whether Rain had informed Sam about this part of joining Anathema or not.

Image courtesy of Mocodragon@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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