A little more intensity from you
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As always, always, always, the corner’s of the russet lady’s mouth twitched with the desire to break into a full frown as nearly soundless footsteps seemed to hesitate while passing by in the hallway. Over-sized audits turned at the absence of sound before knuckles tapped against the worn door. Slender muzzle dove upwards along with a deep inhale in pursuit of scent. Though, deep scarlet eyes had already wandered to the open door and was investigating the hues of the feminine figure as the present scent established that this was indeed that Myrika female.

Halo was initially devoted to family, but it had all gone to the hounds as her years in Inferni had allowed her to see and discover things she didn’t like. Plus, there was so little loyalty around it made her physically ill if thoughts were to linger on particular individuals for too long at the time. Myrika hadn’t been born to Inferni, like Halo, and she wouldn’t be met with too much judgement. No, the Triarii found that she was more or less indifferent, though of course a little curious about this unknown family member.

”Enter.” The Lykoi wasn’t particularly occupied with anything specific, so why the hell not. An accompanied gesture with an unoccupied hand swiftly followed, and ruby gaze returned to the pile of small bones for only a moment more. She tossed the bone pieces onto the bed and placed pale palms against the lovely curved belly. "What do you want?" She didn't mean to sound cruel, but she assumed there was a reason for Myrika being here.

Your faith walks on broken glass

Halo Lykoi


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