Home again. AW.

WC:000+ - OMG OMG -pounces- It's midnight, excuse any crap.

That voice was like sweet music in his ears. Tal stirred in his sleep, Sky's pillow clutched tightly to his chest. If he'd been human, he would have cried himself to sleep; however, he was not. The pale male was slow to wake usually, but the scent of blood and Aniwaya brought him fully awake in seconds. Had her voice been real? He flew down the stairs two at a time, his short mane messier than usual, his bi-colored eyes wild. At the bottom of the stairs, hugging Casper, was his beloved Sky. His eyes took in her ragged appearance as he slid to a stop, gathering her into his arms. "Oh, Sky..."

In the basket in the living room where she liked to sleep, the petite Tameri raised her head, blinking owlishly. The pup took in the sight of her dad hugging some woman, and she frowned sleepily. "Daddy?" Tal belatedly remembered his adopted daughter who fully believed he was her real father, and gestured for her to join them, not relinquishing his hold on Sky. He resumed gazing at his mate, his hand gently touching her face, his eyes assessing her various wounds. Her piercings were gone, her eye was clouded over, her beautiful mane was hacked off. He felt sick to his stomach as he spoke softly. "Sky...what did they do to you?" Tameri placed her head on his lap, and his eyes drifted down to her, then returned to his mate. The little black pup stared at the older female curiously.

Image courtesy of Compound Eye@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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