when is a luperci too old?
I couldn't find anything on this for real wolves, so I suppose we can just use comparative human equivalents. You can refer to the Age chart for reference.

Human women hit menopause around ~45-60, so your Luperci equivalent is 7-10 years. I believe the record for oldest (human) mother is something like 65-70 though, so it would be POSSIBLE for a Luperci female to still be viable at ~11 years old, though very, very rare. Definitely note that childbirth would be dangerous for Luperci in those later years as well.

Human men have been known to father children well into their 70's and maybe even 80's, though I'm not sure (someone feel free to do more research), so Luperci males may still be viable up to 11-12 years old.

-- Kiri

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