[J] finding freedom

Word Count :: 000 Hey nice avatar James! Short post, but I didn't want it to drag on.

Samantha nodded while Naniko spoke. She understood her words well and when Rain spoke up about her missing Ichika, she knew what to say. "Yes I do miss Ichika, but if I chose to stay there instead, I bet that I would miss you much more than I am missing Ichika now" She pulled him into a hug and breathed in his scent. It was not long before she turned back to Naniko. "Yes, Rain hasn't informed me o this, but I accept. After all, I would feel more like family." She held out her palm to Naniko as she pulled the dagger out. She had been cut many times before and this wasn't a violent act, it was an act of acceptance and family. A soft smile lingered on her lips. It made her think about the many different kinds of blood shared that would have been mingled with hers.

Samantha swore that she would prove to be useful to Naniko, that she would not be a burden to te pack. She looked at Rain, she was sure of her decision. Anathema was right for her. Even though she enjoyed Ichika, this was home.

table by cactus; code by the Mentors!

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