the thunder of the drums

Poor Dresden. These two should be frandz!

It was very peculiar, having everything be turned upside down in the span of a few days. Ever was gone almost all the time, he had a son to care for, and time for himself was getting rarer and rarer these days. He had been meaning to swing by Barrett’s place, but he couldn’t seem to get away. He wasn’t sure how his young boy would take the trip to Halifax. He could always ride on Petra, but he didn’t know if his son would like the massive creature that could crush the pup with one hoof. He quickly stopped thinking about that when the other male came closer, friendliness painted on his face. Well, that was a relief. At least this wouldn’t be a standoff.

“It is indeed, poor thing hasn’t been out in a while,” Ezra patted the mare’s neck as the pair came to a halt. “Petra’s still getting broken in, though, so riding her is always an adventure,” Ezra grinned, proud of his horse. He liked the dynamic they had, despite her flurries of irrationality. She was high-strung, but he understood. She was taken from the wild, so the man was positive that it would take a long time for her to be docile. She was also pretty young, and youth always put vigor into creatures.

“I’m Ezra, Major of the Court,” he pointed back the way he came, towards the pack lands. He offered the man a smile, noticing that his eyes were blue, and not blue-yellow like his own. They were azure, just like his brother’s were. A shadow crossed his face as he remembered.

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