The small Lykoi female had been perched upon one of the pikes where once an entire wolf's body had been displayed. Her hindclaws were dug deep into the old dry wood of the crossmember as she silently watched the approaching youth. Her eyes narrowed as she heard his exclamation at finding the skull upon a pike some distance away. The cloak she wore, the skin of a wolf itself hung over her body to drape along the pike she stood guard upon this section of the border. She wondered if this silly creature was indeed foolish enough to cross into the clan's lands.

She had been renewing the scent markers before the crash and thunder of the large male's frame moving through the territory had called to her attention. Instead of making her way to meet the fellow she had scrambled up the closest pike so that she was at an advantage of height incase this spelled trouble. Her tiny fingers rolled the blowpipe back and forth under her cloak as she kept her head down. Wait and watch, wait and watch.

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