[J] finding freedom

She consented to the Rite of Agares and Naniko slid the blade along her hand, making a small and shallow cut on her paw pad. She did the same to Samantha, then held their two hands together. Blood dripped from their combined cuts onto the soil, and Naniko mouthed the words of a blessing quietly. The blood of the two Anathemans had blessed their soil, and she believed that such a blessing would bring her and the rest of the family much luck in the coming months. She needed all the luck that she could get, with the three rowdy boys that she had back in her den.

She released Sam's hand, putting her stained dagger back in its sheath and licking at her hand absently as she spoke. "I can give you some salve for it if it's still bothering you after a few days." She said. "Welcome to Anathema. You'll start as a Zepar, our basic rank. I trust that Rain can show you around" Naniko said, looking to her packmate. He knew the way around the territory and she supposed that the female would be staying with him in his den. "I'll have to add you to the map when I get around to it" She said. There was a large drawn map of the cave systems on the inside of the main cavern, and she kept a chart of where each member's den was. "Should we head back?"

Image courtesy of Mocodragon@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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