Hunting Fail
Amaris was nervous. She had never been in this place before, and she did not know who lived here or whether it was safe. The little Arctic Fox was all too conscious of her pure white pelt, sure that it stood out so much against the woods as to make her a sitting target for anything that might see her as prey. In short, she wasn't happy. She kept going, though, paws light on the muddy ground, in search of... well, she wasn't quite sure what. She was a bit lost, so maybe just somewhere to make a den. Maybe a friend. It had been all too long since she'd seen another creature of intelligence anywhere near enough to speak with her.
A high pitched squeal darted through Amaris' consciousness. She stopped her nervous ducking and diving and looking around and paused, ears and nose and eyes straining for hints of danger. The fluffy white fur on the back of her neck stood up straight and she bared her teeth in a snarl. She scented pig. Food.
Then she scented wolf.
The wolf came into view, her pelt the same colour as Amaris' own. She was chasing the sow. The small white fox watched, interested, as the wolf pursued her prey; Amaris was not above scavenging and if the wolf caught the prey then Amaris could ask her for some of it, or scavenge the remains after the wolf had left.
The sow turned sharply and Amaris blinked, disappointed, as the wolf crashed into a rotting tree, which promptly fell over.
The wolf rolled onto her stomach and rested her head in the mud. Amaris continued to watch, sharply interested. She was still new and unknown in this land and she would be pleased to begin making friends. Though then again... this was a wolf. Much bigger than Amaris, and probably faster too, and maybe even it had friends - Amaris knew wolves liked to live in groups, strange creatures. Then again, the ground was muddy and the little white fox would be much faster over it; her weight hardly pushed her into the earth, whereas the wolf would - hopefully - be bogged down. If all else failed, she could try the same manoeuvre as the fox.
Making her decision, Amaris trotted down towards the wolf. She made slight adjustments to her bearing as she went. Amaris was a confident little thing and had absolutely no intention of 'submitting' or whatever it was wolves did, but she didn't want to appear arrogant, even if she maybe was able to admit to herself that she kind of was arrogant. She sloped her shoulders a little and lowered her tail a notch. There.
"Bad luck," she called to the wolf. "Terrible ground for it today, really. Care for some help? Two sets of claws can be better than just one."

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