It Wilted to the Owl's Cry
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ooc: Backdated to Oct.25th 330 words

It had only been a day since the purposeful delve into the Mai Cavern, and the shared success of herself and Kiara Amarok. They had seen each other through the terrifying darkness into the light and came out relatively unscathed. Only a smarting muzzle marked the trench into the belly of the moist beast for their trinkets of stone had been taken upon task completely. It was all well and good in the mind of the Nomad. She was more keen to keeping furred trophies and the like anyway. And if it wasn't noticed by her Ichikan brethren, then it was certainly noticed by another.

Gradually the she-wolf became more aware of her stalker as the days wore on. She was granted a brief reprieve of its presence only the day before before it came back with a vengeance to harass the sanity out of her. She wouldn't even begin her day without its screech assaulting her ears, nor hunt without its sound wingbeats scaring her prey. X'yrin was growing rather annoyed with this nuisance... but what could she do to rid herself of it?

Her morning routine forgotten, no present at the Shishen's doorstep nor prowl within his footsteps. No morning snack, no gallivant through the flourishing fields. Instead the female sat within the crest of the Valley, overlooking the acute curve as it rolled into the neighboring Forest. The Secui female sat rather disgruntled, her day already off to a terrible start. Overhead circled an ominous shadow. Each heavy beat of its wings loosening another of its striped and speckled feathers to fall at leisure upon the female. "Please, my flying friend... leave me alone," she about wailed to the annoying creature. She tipped her muzzle to observe the bird in flight, its large wings spanned wide nearly blocking the morning sun. From its stalking height it swiveled its head down to observe its target, bright orange eyes gleaming mischievously.

What would it possibly want from her...?


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