Little child have no fear

Jace brought her hands together and to her face in the traditional Ichika no Ho-en greeting "Namaste Wretch." The curiosity and exuberance of the child before her empowered her and gave her strength as the youth always did with her, even though by luperci standards she was still pretty young herself. She was aware that Wretch was a shy and quiet child usually and waved her troubles of bothering her away with an airy cheerful laugh,

"It's no bother at all. I'm all alone here, apart from the horses so I don't have anyone t entertain or anything to do really." Her grin was friendly and welcoming and her tan tipped white tail wagged lazily behind her almost as though it could not be bothered with such glorious sun out. How the pale child had come to be with them was a mystery to Jace, for as far as she knew Wretch was looked after by Saul who she knew not to be the father, they smelled and looked too differently, Wretch was thinner and lankier than the wolves by comparison prompting Jace to wonder if she had coyote or jackal blood in her heritage, not that this would be a problem to Jace who was a hybrid of two seperate species herself. Even her one experience with the coyote clan had not soured her opinion on their red furred cousins.

"Yes these are my horses, they are unnamed so far, I haven't been able to think of suitable names for any of them yet. If you wanted, you could help me come up with some?" Her offer was genuine, Jace was horrible with coming up with names for things and she didn't think the horses would appreciate being namked after arctic gods and godesses of wolfen origions,

"She's about six or seven days old now. She's very young, I had to stay up with her mother all night before her birth just to make sure she was okay but eventually she was born and then immediately fell over." AQ lighthearted laugh came from her maw at the memory of the spindly legs trying and faling to hold up the flighty animal. The little filly had arrived in her own sweet time and had cost Jace a night of sleep in doing so, but she smiled as she remembered the day after spent cuddling and then sleeping next to Temo. "Her uncle wasn't too thrilled with me being so close though." she gestured to the white stallion. At the girl's question her mismatched gaze swung down to her own swollen stomach, yes it would be a few weeks now before she would see the ones that resided inside of herself,

"Nope, less than a month.." She sent wretch an almost childish grin of happiness, the tips of her floppy ears quivering slightly "I'm so excited for it." She waved out a paw and gestured for Wretch to come closer to the fence. Inside of the paddock the male raised his head from grazing and watched the two hybrid females as they watched him and his family. Wretch seemed like a smart kid, as long as she stayed behind the fence she would be safe from him.

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