Bless thy blood and kin

She was faced with the large dog hybrid and copied his motions, putting her hands together and bringing them to her forehead, he wore a cloak that covered his form and Jace assumed it to be for the cold wind that seemed to blow almost constantly up here in the mountains, Jace was quite warm within her luxurious, thick coat of fur as was her birth right,

"Namaste Ansui. As always it is an honor to be graced with your presence." She bowed her head to him as well in a greeting with added formality and respect. His voice, deep and rich as it was, reminded her of her beloved grandfather who had passed on before the girl had turned 6 months old, her mother had often said that he had a story teller's voice, made to caress the words and paint a story with them in the mind of the listener but she was not here to listen to stories she was here to ask something of the Reiseki,

"Well enough Ansui, this pregnancy treats me well, no extra pain or discomfort other than the norm." Jace fiercly avoided tearing up at the though of her first two, the ones that had never gotten to grow let alone live. The patchwork fae shifted her feet and disguised her attempt to clear her thoughts with a quick sweep of the room, admiring the grandeur and splendor of the place before she managed to control her emotinos and bring her mismatched eyes back to Ansui, she cleared her throat and returned to her formality, adressing him by his rank title,

"Reiseki I have a favor to ask of you, well two favors actually. Firstly If you would be so kind, it is my wish for you to bless the children on their first morning after the birth." She paused here for a second, smothing her fur down nervously before continuing, "Secondly, before the formation of Ichika when I was still part of Phoenix Valley, I comitted a grave sin that I now want to atone for, if you would let me I would stay here and meditate and ask the gods and godesses for forgiveness for these sins. I do not wish any bad karma to befall my little ones nor anyone else within the pack, especially not when it is of my own causing. Thank you as well for giving me your time Reiseki." The woman ended her requests of him and bowed her head again, Jace put a lot of stock into the priests, the ones that were closest to the Great Mother.

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