It Wilted to the Owl's Cry

this is ooc!

Shiloh watched at another female came out of nowhere and playfully swatted the wolf she had addressed. She had backed away slowly, scared of what the women would think of her. She was still thin and knew she weighed about 67 pounds, light for a wolf like her. Her ribs still showed and her fur was growing thin from being malnourished. She shivered slightly as the bird swooped down and landed on the woman, X'yrin. She looked at the bird as it watched her and felt a sense of calm wash over her. She knew animals had a way of guiding people and knew Ralla had a owl similar to the one on X'yrin's shoulders. It stared at her with large wide eyes before fluttering off the woman's shoulders and on to Shiloh. She whined softly as its talons grazed her skin but didn't break it and she felt the need to change to optime. She shifted rather quickly, the owl sensing her shifting hovered close by before settling on her shoulder again. She brought a hand up and the owl wooted before letting Shiloh touch it's feathers. It was malting and some of its feathers fell into her hands. She looked up at the two woman softly before speaking.

"This is a sign X'yrin. Where I come from animals like this act as guides for wolves. This owl has chosen you as its master and has been annoying you because you won't accept it. This is a sign X'yrin. This will strengthen you," she whispered, shocked that she didn't have her stutter all because the owl had chosen to sit on her shoulder. It nipped her finger softly before taking flight again and circle over the woman. Shiloh knew deep down this owl was also a sign for her. The owl was a sign change was near for her.

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