It Wilted to the Owl's Cry
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ooc: Eagle Owl <-This is the reference I'm going off of. 471 words

Eventually her shoulder was no longer hostage to the dreadful bird as it instead took refuge with the smaller female. It occupied her shoulder for a moment then went to hover as her form shifted with ease into Optime. X'yrin watched with in wonder as the bird appeared more docile in Shiloh's company allowing itself to be scrutinized under curious eyes and touches. Now why couldn't the damn thing be that calm for her? But what astounded her more was the proclaim of the once stammering female. X'yrin cut her eyes to the girl, her ears forward as she listened intently.

Strange that she hadn't heard of creatures accompanying wolves while among the Nomads. In her mind they knew about everything that revolved around Nature. This transgression should have been near the top of the lectures she'd learn from. Instead, it was something foreign...something new. She found that for once, she did not like that. But none the less, she took this new knowledge and adhered it to her understanding of why this bird plagued her. "If it means no harm... or I am to be its master," she began softly, head cocked slightly whilst she observed the bird's dark plume. "It could have found a better way to get my attention. But the question remains... why would it chose me?" Her gaze shifted from Shiloh to Kiara then again to the Owl as it took flight to hover overhead. "Have I done something?"

It seemed silly to ask, for it was obvious the owl was not going to answer. All it could do was shriek and cry and plop itself upon her shoulder when it felt it convenient. She had missed Kiara's awkward dance but certainly heard the end to it. Somehow the antics brought a smile to her otherwise dull face, brightening her gloomy corners. "I had intended to hunt today... possibly mark a trail toward larger prey before the season changes." Her intentions were met with what sounded like a joyful cry then once again she played steed to the invasive owl. It clung to her shoulder as she finally rose to stretch her hindlegs, one after the other. "But," she shrugged her occupied shoulder. "What should I do with him?-" was it even male? "He just comes and goes the majority of the time... but he's always around. Is there a purpose for him?" She felt something odd happening on the top of her head, as if something were wriggling through her mane and pulling it. Of course she couldn't see that her owl companion was chewing on her unkempt locks... but she could certainly feel it. She tried in vain to look at his antics, making for an amusing sight as she turned her muzzle to and fro. "What's he doing? It feels strange."


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