End soon? Then Ehno? 8D

A boy who could be responsible, at the same time as taking his chances with the random flow of life. He deserved a good ride. "I hope life gives you plenty of treats, then. I'm sure some of what's coming you won't expect - guess that's the fun part." She didn't want to look at the thing through rose-tinted eyes - her earthen jade was far more pragmatic - but it didn't hurt to frame everything as well as possible, for sheer sanity of mind. Let the dark stuff take over your thoughts, and you were doomed. It had been a difficult line to walk, her whole life. "For now I'll give ya something, never mind life. Split this chicken with me, then that gives us a kick to go on this trapping expedition to replace 'em!" she joked, slicing the pheasant in half and starting on hers with gusto. Another thought occurred, spoken almost immediately as was her way. "And then you can help me set a fire in my room. Gonna be cosy this winter! Just so long as I don't suffocate myself..." She had only experience with outside fires - would she need a chimney or some kind of draft, she wondered, to keep the air moving. Jackson would hopefully know, or know who to ask. "Sound like a deal?" She grinned at him, unaware of a shard of bone stuck to one of her canines; terribly undignified, but there was an unstudied flair to everything the gangling girl did, and she would not have cared if she'd known anyway.


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