Castle Ruins

OOC: He's really not a lack-wit, but he sounds like one with his one-word answers, lol He's just all 'grr' right now.


A moment passed before Augustus raised his head for another look, but the figure had vanished. He rose to a sudden stand and peered warily about. He inclined his head skyward to scent the breeze. The wind was not in his favor and the scent he'd detected before escaped him. His ears twitched this way and that, and he spun his head, looking up, now looking down. He stiffened, fur beginning to bristle. His tail rose slightly.

The scents of this place had shown no signs that the land was claimed so Augustus did not bother adjusting his posture. He remained at a height, his tail slightly raised, and his fur, or what remained of it puffed up along his neck and spine. He even chanced a slight snarl. He displayed rows of pearly razor-edged teeth. His ears lay back. The grasses stirred about him faintly and he widened his stance, not knowing what, or whom to expect.

He growled low in his throat, a warning growl. He had not fed in near a week, and hoped the sound would scare off any imminent threat, unwilling to waste what energy he had left. Finally his eyes locked upon the tawny figure as it approached him. His snarl faded, but for the presence of his canines. His ears rose and one twitched as the other announced themselves. She was smaller and much slighter than he, and he allowed himself a surge of confidence. He stood some-what taller. Her tone was mild and sympathetic, even anxious. Did she fear him? He relaxed his expression, but maintained his stance.

"Augustus..." he rumbled. He watched her, fixing her in his green and yellow stare. He bristled again slightly,"Help?" As if in reply, the gashes in his face surged with a sudden twinge of pain brought on by a passing breeze. He winced and looked downwards. His face grew hot. He didn't quite know what to think and kept his responses brief. The prospect of a place to stay got his attention. It would be nice to sleep under the cover of shelter, at least for the night. The female was willing enough, but he wasn't sure if he should trust her. She had a strange scent, and that would only serve to make him more and more suspicious. He debated internally for a moment. After a long pause,"Where?" was all he said.

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