Bittersweet Symphony

Woo! ↔ 511 words

Liam shook his head – the idea that a next time was in order made him grin a little. It was nice to think that they would get to see each other again, even though they lived at different ends of the land. Liam wondered how long it would take before they did meet for a second time. Days? Weeks? Months? Maybe even years? Jackson was a lot of fun and could easily distract Liam from all of his worries back home – he was a friend worth having, by all means. “I'll keep that in mind.” the brown-pelted boy said. He meant those words too – he would definitely keep an eye out for any signs of competition. The two males were quite the competitive pair and Liam could tell their friendship would consist of quite a few friendly competitions and friendly banters. To be honest, all Liam was truly looking forward to was for them to hang out together again sometime in the future – near or distant.

Liam chuckled at Jackson's proposition as to how the raccoon had died, his bi-colored eyes glancing from the dog hybrid to the raccoon. It seemed like a pretty reasonable idea. After all, Halifax was a very awesome place. Liam inspected the dead creature for a few seconds longer. It was very mangled, bits and pieces of it probably somewhere in a bird's stomach by now. It would be near impossible for two young wolves to say what exactly had happened. “Maybe it was attacked by a coyote or a mountain lion or something.” Liam gave a suggestion of his own, but it was mostly thrown at the wind – a theory that would never get a straight answer. Liam was fine with keeping it at that, but it would have been a lot more fun to actually know the animal's cause of death. Just for curiosity's sake.

Liam tugged his empty rucksack higher onto his shoulder as he straightened up and followed Jackson towards the broken structure, a smirk on his face at the idea of what they could find in there. In his head, Liam was making up a story about the building's history. How it had once been the home of pirates and thieves – how humans had made a lot of secret hiding places in there that Jackson and Liam would now uncover. He had to lower his head and double over a little as to not hit his head on the door frame but once inside, Liam could stand up straight. The building seemed to have become the home of many small animals – rats, mice, maybe a raccoon... There were nests and garbage everywhere. At first glance, no sign of treasure. Liam side-stepped a broken doohickey he had no idea the function of and went to open a cabinet, only to have the rotting wood handle crumble on him. “Well now this is unfortunate.” he said softly, as though afraid that he could make the entire place fall down if he was too loud.

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Table by Kit.

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