see me at the horizon
Swiftly Terra ran lightly down the trail. The deer was close, so it would be a fast take down. Getting nearer she veered to the side. Coming from behind was a sure way to panic it. Silently she moved through the bushes, taking care to not make any noise. Dresden moved in a way Terra was rather surprised by. Despite his bulky shape he moved with ease through the woods, not hitting a single root. He evaded the higher branches that often troubled her when she was in optime form.

That wasn't the only change. He had put away the blades to pull out a ridiculous piece of wood with a string, fitted with another stick. How could that help him hunt? Maybe he would use it to drive the deer? She snorted to herself. The canines here were strange indeed. Still, she could learn from it. With him at the side Terra prepared herself. She couldn't bring it down on her own, but she could certainly injure it. Ready to pounce Terra leaped forward. The deer startled away, but she twisted herself so it ran towards Dresden. Her teeth sank into the deer's leg, almost tearing it off. The power of her secui form threw her off, causing Terra to let go. Bleeding the deer started bounding toward what it thought was safety. It would be dead soon, and a feast.

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