Castle Ruins



As she started on her way towards their destination Augustus gave himself another shake before following her. He lingered a few feet behind. He was walking, but his longer stride allowed him to keep pace, although he deliberately kept his distance. His haunches hardly bothered him anymore, but the whispers of their presence tend to make the skin feel stretched in a way. The chilly wind cut at his open wounds making his eyes water. He blinked it away and stopped for a few seconds to rub at the marks with his paw. The thin cuts glistened wetly. They didn’t usually bother him this much, the cold tended to make them numb, but the sea breeze was a biting force. He began to question his reasons for coming here in the first place. He was no doubt intrigued by the looming fortress, and rubble of the vanquished human society.

It wasn’t only that, he refused to acknowledge the other reason that brought him here. He’d never seen an ocean before. It filled him with wonder, looking out over the ever stirring waters. It was beautiful. If ever asked he would surely deny it. Thinking it over he regretted it. Sight-seeing should have been the last thing on his mind. He reprimanded himself internally. He snapped himself from his thoughts. In his meandering he’d let his eyes wander over Terra’s slim frame. He adjusted his gaze until spotting a patch of overgrown foliage. It was another moment until he picked out the entrance.

He glanced at it, nosing his head inward. He gave a couple sniffs, until he decided it was safe. It was a secluded spot, ensuring that visitors would be few, if there were any at all. His thoughts shifted to the female. Well, there’d be at least one. He lowered himself to a crouch and squeezed himself through. Once inside he had to crawl on his belly to reach it’s back wall. He could feel the ceiling looming all too closely overhead and realized he would not be able to stand fully, but still, it was better than nothing, and nothing was the only thing he had.

Satisfied, he turned his attention to her form lingering outside. His eyes glowed eerily in the darkness. He did not look her directly in the eye, instead he mumbled a reluctant “thank you,” to the dirt. That over and done with he wriggled on his belly up and out of the dim reaches of the den. He gazed in the direction of the hill, offering a short nod before he slipped into an idle trot.

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