Castle Ruins
Watching him settle in she relaxed. His wounds would have to be cleaned, but at least he was out of the weather. Augustus could actually heal now. Trotting down Terra paused at the stream she'd mentioned, taking a long drink. It was colder now, but she still had to find prey. For a moment she was tempted to return to the castle. Exploring it had been fun. Taking care of a stranger was not. The memory of his thin ribs and marks wouldn't get out of her head though. Maybe it was because he seemed like how she had been. It wasn't fun to be hungry, and even worse when injured. That was the best time to take food from someone else, though it often led to their deaths.

She scanned the air, scenting for prey. A couple rabbits were nestled close by, and a pig rooted further downstream. The pig would be her second choice, as they scared less easily. If she missed on the pig the rabbits would flee. Crouching Terra slouched towards the rabbits. As they came into view she got ready to leap. A single bound and she was on top of them. They scattered, leaving Terra in trouble. Which one should she chase? Snapping at both they got away. She was forced to head towards the pig, only to have it escape as well. Terra growled in frustration. She wasn't a hunter, only a simple trickster. Smelling the air again she found something good.

Trotting over Terra found an old deer. It still had enough flesh on it's bones for a good meal, but was old enough that she could take it. Lunging Terra tore at the throat. Weakly it scrabbled against her before she managed to break through. Heaving Terra grabbed the deer and began pulling it up. It would be easier in secui form, but she didn't want to startle her new friend. Smaller was better, less scary. Grunting she struggled up the hill, finally giving up at the halfway point. She just didn't have the strength. Softly she trotted over to the den. I got some food. She sat back and waited.

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