:O gemma be useful for once

The woman was severely depressed as she wandered aimlessly through the Anatheman caverns finding places that were both new and old to her and not really caring one bit bout any of it. Her son was dieing, that much was plain to see, over the past week or so he had gone steadily downhill with his breathing weakening to the point that several times she had felt the flicker of his heart as it stopped momentarily. But the sheyote was powerless to stop it, there was no medicine here that could heal him not with what was wrong on the inside.

Unusually Gemma had left Jaden home with Giuseppe so the two could have some father and son time without her there, she sensed this would be the last time they would get to spend together before he passed into the fade. Even more unusual the woman was in a form other than her optime. Seeing Gemma in either secui or lupus was a rare thing indeed for the woman almost never assumed her alternate shapes, seeing no reason to. Today she was in her secui form, although she was still on the smallish side being half coyote, her large ears were even more out of proportion with her head and her muzzle tapering and thinnish.

She was passing by the entrance to the pools where the fish were bred and kept for eating and would have walked right on past if she had not heard the faint cry echoing down the tunnel, He-help!. The voice was young and childish, high pitched with youth. A sickening feeling began to develop in her gut as she trotted down the long hallway, with the sounds of splashing getting louder she broke into a full run and eventually came upon the large cavern and the pools of fish. For a second she couldn't see anything in the murky light and then she spotted the ashy colored pup struggling in the waters, one of the Angela's sons. She leapt forwards to the edge of the pool, speaking calmly to the child despite the nausea and panic she felt,

"Stay still now and I can pull you out." Holding herself out over the water she bobbed her head back and forth trying to find a right position and then dived forwards, snatching up the child by his scruff with her long jaws and pulling his body from the water. She deposited him down next to the pool away from the water's edge, concern tinged her voice,

"Are you okay?" Her heart was going ten to the dozen and her tail twitched back and forth from all the adrenalin, at the moment she felt as though she could fight off a hundred warriors just to keep this child safe, the woman was already beginning to shift back into her optime form in case she needed to perform cpr or squeeze him to get the water out, she only really had a faint knowledge of it but it might be enough to save his life if he had swallowed any water.

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