It Wilted to the Owl's Cry
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ooc: 406 words :[ Poor Shiloh. X'y makes a good packmule!

She didn't understand. She didn't know where to begin in explaining. All she could understand was the rage, an anger this bird roused from her as it continued its taunts. How could a gift be so damning like this. What had the Nomad done to earn this annoyance? She couldn't fathom much else once her Optime form was made and she lunged for the damned bird.

But the cry that met her ears against the roar of rushing blood was not that of the fowl. It was of the fragile Shiloh. Her heavy weight thrown against the other put them into a tumble down the hill of the Valley for what felt like minutes instead of seconds. When finally they rested within the Valley basin and her labored breath no longer dominated her hearing, she heard the wailing cries of her companion. Her paws clinging to her wrapped wound now bruised. X'yrin could say nothing as she looked upon the smaller girl, her hands trembling as she attempted to reach out to her. The owl was forgotten now, leaving a wound for the supposed warrior to mend. She was not good with messes like these... not good at all.

An apology sat on the tip of her trembling tongue without a breath to bring it to life. Should she apologize? Would it even be accepted? This was not some sparring match were injuring occurred, this was the result of her own absentmindedness. This was the cause of her letting her rage get the better of her. And where had it come from? Was she not composed and clearheaded? Where had this anger stemmed all of a sudden? Just from that annoying bird? It was hard to believe even though that damage had been dealt that she was even capable of being riled up like that...

The whine of concern jarred X'yrin from her frightened stupor. Her hands still outstretch finally recoiled against her chest, feeling the panicked beat of her heart. "Shiloh..." she uttered quietly, shamefully... laying her ears flat against her skull with a whine of grief. "I am so sorry. I hadn't meant to harm you... I wasn't thinking at all." She lowered her head, eyeing the snowy female as she tended to the injured's wound. "I can... I can take you home. Or to a healer. Ichika has to have a healer, yes? Please Shiloh I am so sorry.... let me help you."


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