Breathe Me
No worries Smile Lubomir's been difficult >_>

I guess I'll bleed in silence

Diplomacy. Lubomir knew what diplomacy traditionally entailed. Open talks, moments of tension and threats but ultimately both parties had more to gain from peace than open warfare. Wolves and coyotes alike would die and although Lubomir held no particular love towards Inferni now, he did know that the war would draw everyone in, somehow. And then he stopped. Would it? Sure, he had basically just promised Haku all the help he could give, a promise like the one he'd made Mew, but he was not the leader of Shadowed Sun, he could not speak for them. He couldn't even speak for Skoll. The warrior would make his own choices.

Again his own impotence hit him. Lubomir had not grown up here, these were strange lands and they saw him as a strange wolf who did not know the full story. He was and would be on the outside. Ties here were strong. Mew had mentioned revenge to Asphyxia by her brother. And perhaps it was a testimony to the state of mind of the grey wolf that he did not think to ask Haku. He was troubled, Lubomir was. And he knew what Haku spoke of. War. All out war. Destruction, death, blood pooling in the lands of Inferni, howling and fighting late into the night. 'Who supports you, Haku? Who is on your side? And who are Inferni's friends? Do the packs here have your allegiance?' He did not dare ask if any were against the war. It would be both lacking in diplomacy and a blow to Haku to think he could not win. Or so Lubomir thought. In his mind, in Haku's shoes, so to speak, he would need all the support he could get. 'I am not much of a fighter, to be honest, but I can help. I can fight and thrash around.' The implied meaning was that he could be easily used as a decoy. Lubomir did not want to die, not at all. But wars were dirty, nasty things and sometimes, dirty, nasty things had to be done.


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