dangerous laces

I can't remember and Im too lazy to check atm, but I think both the npc on the raid are female? Anyway, Im going to assume that Anann is quite larger xD. Another round or two and we can probably call this good. I know you probably don't have much to post with Princess so if you'd rather I just wrap up the fight in this post let me know and Ill edit it up!

Over the sounds of pounding hooves and the sound of her own cry Anann could not hear the arrow whistle through the air as it was loosed, but she could hear the woman’s scream. The posture of the mounted archer was all there was to give away what was happening and there was no time for Anann to see if the air had hit its mark or not though the shriek lead her to believe that it had. Her focus never leaving the archer as they charged at one another. In the dim evening light the thin form of the bown and arrows was near invisible, the archer’s movements and postures were easy to read as another arrow was readied.

It was the edgeless blade that Anann had drawn. With the speed of her charging steed it hardly mattered the edge was significantly more than a razors edge. At a full charge it would hit hard enough to split skin and shatter bone. Another arrow was loosed, and Anann felt a sharp sting as it grazed her past her right shoulder and leaving mark of it's passing. Yet as they drew closer Anann did not prepare to strike at the other rider, instead she launched herself from the back of her own steed in hopes of landing behind the other rider and throwing them to the ground. However her timing was off or the momentum had simply been too great. Whatever the cause, both rider's were stripped from the back of the horse and landed heavily on the ground.

Anann had landed on the flat of her back, the air forced from her lungs as the archer landed on top of her. An elbow driving hard into her ribs. Still Anann managed to keep a hold on the other struggling canine with the arm she had wrapped around their chest. It left the golden warrior in poor position. She could not reach her dagger and her sword was rather useless at the moment and the other was not making it easy for her to get up or rolled over so that she might have an advantage. Claws, elbows and knees were being used by both as the struggled for control, for their lives.


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