Castle Ruins



He lumbered clumsily down the hillside, stopping as he saw the female take a drink. He waited for her to leave before dropping his muzzle to the cool waters. It made his wounds sting, but the pain soon ebbed away as the cold numbed them. He took a long swallow. It eased his hungry belly for the present time and he was beginning to feel more relaxed. He lifted his head from the glassy surface and headed back to the small den.

He squeezed himself in for a second time, grumbling irritably. It would take some time to get used to the tight fit. It was warm, however, which made up for it's small size. His body heat quickly spread throughout the den. He hated this time of year, and couldn't wait until his double winter coat finally grew in. The shedding was nearly unbearable. He just couldn't stop itching.

He curled up in the darkness, lowering his head to his forepaws. He rested his eyes a moment, and before he knew it he had drifted off to sleep. He slept deeply, until the sound of her voice jolted him awake. He opened his eyes unwillingly, his heart still racing from the sudden interruption. When he finally realized that she did not have the food with her he sighed and rose to a reluctant stand.

He nosed the air, sniffing for it's whereabouts until he sensed it's muffled and aged aroma. His heart sank again as he realized it wasn't fresh either. He took a short breath inward and made his way to the carcass, food was food. He found it after a couple moments time and dug in hungrily. He tore savagely at the dead flesh, having to exert more effort than usual on the account that the meat was much tougher. He tore it in strips and gulped it down piece by piece, barely pausing to swallow.

When he had gorged himself on the meal he looked around awkwardly. He'd said a simple 'thank you,' once before, and did not feel the need to say it again. Instead he sat in silence, licking his muzzle, and reclining to his haunches.

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