Young love is something deep within your heart..
It's okay! Hahaha! If Fia had a crush on an old man... o.O That would just be ackward...xD

Fia was deep in thought when suddenly she was yanked out from her deep personal thoughts and turned, hearing a foreign voice. Her ears flickered at the cracked voice, and she looked the male over. He seemed to have many, many scars all over his body. One over his throat and he seemed to be limping horribly. "Yes I am, and yes you can speak to me. Do you need help?" The fae asked, her voice a clear, beautiful woman-like voice that had just the perfect touch of puppy in it. The girl was rather surprised at the tone of her own voice. Taking a few small steps forward, she looked the male over once more, and up close.

The male was rather cute, he had black curly fur all over him, broken only by scars. He also had a right ear that flopped over, which the young girl thought of rather charming. The scars didn't bother her that much, neither his raspy voice. Looks wasn't all the petite female cared about. Personality mattered too, and the male seemed to be respectful enough. He seemed exhausted, and the she-wolf felt the need to help him. The girl looked around her, and suddenly saw a large boulder nearby with a soft moss covered top and a jagged edge at the bottom. "Here, you should sit look like your about to fall over like a tree" She said, a quiet bubbly giggle coming from her muzzle. The fae blushed and looked down. What was wrong with her? She never acted this giggly and bubbly around someone she just met before! A small breeze picked up again, the wind grazing softly against the black-marked female and pulling her fur to sway along with the heart-beat of the wind.

Blue eyes looked back up again and met his gaze. She looked at him for a moment before looking back towards the rock again. Walking over, Fia sat down and looked at the black-furred brute. He was rather tall, or so everyone was taller then Fia. The girl felt puny, being small from which she had gotten the traits from her mother, while her brothers inherited their fathers enormously tall trait. Her tail swung behind her from side to side, brushing up against the side of the rock. The white fur swung smoothly against the uneven side of the rock as she looked up at him with striking, beautiful ice-blue eyes.

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