Frost and Fire
OOC: Sorry this is late, I haven't had a chance to post it.

Wheatley found his paws falling asleep. He sighed, and got up. Really, he would have preferred to stay seated, but having numb paws didn't help his clumsiness. Blue eyes scanned around, looking for movement. He didn't see much, except a shape in the distance. Wait. Wheatley snapped his attention t the object. Yep. Definitely moving. He was now alert, ears pricked and eyes trying to make out what it was. Negative possibilities ran through his mind in a stream, and he found himself faltering. What if it was something dangerous? What would he do then?

He had been so distracted by his thoughts that the creature had gotten noticeably closer. He could now make out a horse, but with something, or someone riding it. What was a horse doing here anyway? Wheatley frowned, puzzling over the factor. Then he heard a voice calling out to him, and at first he thought it was the horse. Wheatley told himself he was being stupid. "Hello..." he replied, seeing the figure seated upon the horse, who had now confirmed his thoughts. Wheatley heard the Luperci speak, and was about to reply when another Luperci jumped out of somewhere onto a stake. Wheatley turned his attention to her, then gave his answer to the one seated on the horse. "Er.. I was, um, hoping to, er, join." he finally stammered out, his nerve failing.

Wheatley snapped his gaze to the small luperci as she asked about eating him. ”I doubt I’d taste nice" he said, a wry smile upon his maw, slightly glad of the distraction.

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