Justice. [J]

Big Grin Ohai! Gunnar's in love with your daughter, Jaz. Tongue Hope that's okay~

Word Count → 335

The first to appear was a dark furred man. He greeted him with the traditional 'this is the border of my pack' speech and then introduced himself as the alpha, named Jazper Rhiannon-Knight. Rhiannon? That sounded familliar. A member of Anathema had carried that name as well. Small world.

Then came Fia. The moment the girl came onto the scene, Gunnar couldn't help but smile. She greeted him silently and he nodded her way, tail flicking behind him happily. Yes, she'd be happy to hear what he'd had to say. He could tell by her excited gaze.

Back to the alpha. Sir. He nodded in respect. My name's Gunnar LeStrange. I've come in hopes to joining Casa di Cavalieri. I can't offer much yet, but I'll help to protect your pack to the best of my abilities. If Fia were in danger, he'd kill to protect her and what she deemed important. (Woah, Gunnar being selfless and loyal for someone else!? Amazing!) His raspy voice was holding up for him, thank god, even though talking did kind of hurt now.

I met Fia yesterday on the borders. I guess she's the one who convinced me to seek membership. Any pack worth her loyalty is worth mine. He left it at that and kept his head down, hoping he was going about it the right way. With luck, Jazper would grant him a rank and he'd have a new, hopefully safe, place to call home... and he wouldn't have to give up his hunting grounds.

Living next door to Fia would also be nice, come to think of it. It'd make charming the girl a lot easier... and he loved her company. Maybe if he impressed the alpha, he'd impress her as well? Hopefully.

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