Lean on Me

OOC: Daawwww Sad


His own confidence took a turn for the worse as the light grey female turned her blue eyes away from him. What was she thinking? As she spoke again he felt the guilt ball up once again. It was a difficult time for Crimson Dreams right now but everything would be back to normal soon. Feeling the need to explain himself more he calming continued, “I won’t be leaving until I’m positive the Guardians are taken care of and peace is returned to Aniwaya.” It was difficult to explain his intention, “I’m not leaving you Anu, I’m still just a call away. You know as well as I do that it is taking way to long to get a force large enough to take back Aniwaya. If I train warriors next time we wont have to wait if it comes down to prisoners and raids again.”

Looking at the fragile women he just couldn’t explain how he was feeling. How do you explain to such a broken soul that you’re not up and abandoning her? With a soft, reassuring smile he spoke words he never thought he would, “I love you, Anu. You know I’ll always be here when you need me.” She had been around since he was a very young man and here she was, still with him three years later. She and Savina would always hold a special place in his heart, and he wanted to make her believe that he would still be around. It was difficult to think about leaving in the middle of this war but he had to remind himself that it wasn’t time to go yet and he would be back to visit regularly. It was impossible for him to leave all of his friends and family behind. He would be trying his best to make the pack close by of course.


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