Castle Ruins
His question startled her. Why had she helped a stranger? Sitting back Terra thought about it. There really was no connection between them besides having met in the same place. He was wary, and a full blooded wolf at that. Maybe it had been his fear that drove her. The thought of someone so proud being afraid had angered her. Terra wanted him to stand strong. She might have helped him out of simple curiosity to learn his story. The only thing she knew for sure was that he had needed her, and she responded. I suppose it's because you were there. Not helping you didn't occur to me. And there's no need to apologize. I've acted that way myself after an attack. Terra chuckled at the memory of her disheveled shape. Her fur had been matted with blood. Those that approached were driven away fiercely.

I'm glad you're feeling better. Would you tell me what happened? As long as it didn't hurt his throat she didn't see the harm in finding out. She was quite comfortable beside him, and laid down. Her eyes half closed she listened to the quiet tumbling of the water. It was peaceful out here, healing. Maybe that's what prompted her, wanting to keep the relaxing atmosphere.

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