[m] World of our Own
after a god awful wait i can finally write for this Tongue

Subtlety had never been a characteristic he had owned really, preferring direct methods of communication so his words were short and to the point, easily understood. She wanted to rid herself of him as much as he wanted to be rid of her, which was never. If they had been within the confines of her birth home it was likely they would have had to lose many litter's worth of children before any managed to survive through the arctic winter. Her own mother had been incredibly lucky, so much so that some had suspected that the gods were involved somehow and that Jace and Elsie were prophesied children, extremely special and to be worshiped in some manner. Not only had her first born survived but both born alive had lived on to adulthood, the small boy had been stillborn. Jace would have been able to cope better being immersed amongst the women of her birth pack, the ones that knew and understood and that could have helped her and stopped her sinking down into depression that eventually pushed her to murder. None that lived in the Denahlii pack did not understand the heartbreak and sorrow of losing both the young born and the old that were past their prime, it was engraved onto all their souls, a tattoo that would never wear out or fade with age.

Alone within her customs and traditions now, the hybrid had to hold up the weight of keeping them sacred, a feat that was very difficult for many she was not qualified to perform or were in fact impossible to perform without other pack members there. The birth of new children, the next generation would lessen her burden as well as revive her lost heart that had died with the other two, despite the blood introduced from outside they would still belong to the arctic pack. The shewolf clung onto him as he stood and returned them to their bedroom and sat down on the bed, a soft sigh left her maw as she brushed her hands over his shoulders caressing the fur covered muscles,

"I promise you I won't do anything to put myself in danger, I'll keep myself safe this time. When I'm further along I'll stop going to the borders and stay at home, I'll keep them safe." Her nose trembled and twitched as though she would start crying again but she held herself in check, no more tears would fall tonight. Instead she took several deep breaths to steady herself, breathing his life and soul into her so that it bound her to him in chains of love and devotion, letting it fill her up and make her whole again in a way no one else could, not even her lost sister. She closed her eyes to the world around her and simply existed.

Her breaths quickened again from the slow, relaxed state as he nuzzled against her, she pushed her head back against his gently, her eyes closing with a soft murr.

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