[M]It Grew toward the Wild
The meeting with his esteemed pupil turned queen of her own pack had gone well, even if in the back of his mind, he would have rather seen her being the Warrior Queen of Dahlia. That day he had come to her just as he was, no armor, no weapon, no snorting war horse. Today was different in many respects, he was scoping out all of the acquisitions of InH, scoping out their territory, since after all, if he felt the need to be with his former comrades again he would be joining this peace loving hippy crap pack. And since every fiber in his body was attuned to war, he kept his distance, well except for the past few days.

The shenanigans going on in the south, that he had heard about through the grape vine had him almost salivating for battle, his hiatus from Nova Scotia for those few short months had been good for him. Worked out what he was and what he wasn't, and he must assuredly wasn't a peaceful individual, no matter how many times he had lied to himself. His thirst for life, was only eclipsed by his thirst for battle at times and when he heard the call, he was only too amused to answer.

Soft, mini earth quakes disturbed the otherwise peaceful, leaf filled ground as he steered his horse in the direction. His ears perked atop his head, trying to figure out if he recognized the feminine voice and the restless nature of it. He wished it was Nayru's singing that song for him, but it wasn't her high Alto but this voice carried hints of more bass to it, beautiful and to enticing for him to ignore. After all whether it was battle or some beautiful female, he really couldn't ignore it.

The visage of the female unfolded before him before he really had anytime to push out his shoulders in a more intimidating pose, but none the less he studied her as he approached before gently ushering Charlemagne to a stop before her.

“Bonjour” was the word he opened the conversation with, sitting high on the horse, on alert but not expecting much, since she did smell of Ichika.

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