I'm no prince, but I'll save you


Her feet stumbled as she made her way slowly and very unsteadily to a tree to sleep under. The tri colored lady had hoped that her days where going to be ending soon, she had held onto her all of her love for so long, not wanting to give it away, and once she finally was ready and she went out of her way to make it special the lady had turned her away. It was a sudden sick feeling.

”St…Stupid?” She lifted her head up questioning what the lady had said. Why was she calling her stupid, Charm if anything was loyal and honest…things she thought was something every one wanted in a lover.
Her own voice was as frail and hurt at the shell that soul lived in. ”Stop what?” She turned her head to look at the coyote female; she was fun for that night. The night that Charm gave into temptation and learned how to make love to a female for Soran.

Charm sighed, everything around reminded her of Soran. She lowered her head, ”I know I’m dying….I wish I wasn’t scared of death, or I would rush into it arms wide open” She looked down at her feet, as she felt her knees shaking.

The words the lady said, she shook her head, she couldn’t help but to laugh. ”You don’t really know me….we had sex once and you love me? You are just as horrible as Soran. She told me she loved me, and I asked her to wait and then I think I’m ready, she turns me away.” Telling the coyote siren this about Soran was hard, harder then what she had thought it would be.

Falling into the coyote lady Charm pushed her-self away. ”You have a family, Io…unless you forgot about her.” Charm snapped as she sighed shaking her head, not sure how she would even be able to leave the lands of the Dreamers.


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