[M]It Grew toward the Wild
As always he studied, his features giving really no indication of his true intentions, he did however take the liberty to let his eyes wander along her frame, enjoying the curve of her hips and the bust of her chest. But he did admire her beauty, and he did find her size appealing as well, finding her physical attributes a rarity in this world of lithe little beauties.

Just as she spoke of the great beast he rode, the horse let loose an intimidating snort, its eyes flaring in anger at being mentioned in such light. Saluce had never broke the horse, he had just gained the smart animals trust. Otherwise the prey animal underneath him could have easily become just that. He shifted in the saddle a bit, letting the horse work out it's uneasiness around the female before he returned her words with nothing. Only a small amused look seemed to permeate his face at the golden females choice of greeting.

“His loyalty was all I needed, he makes his own decisions, I keep him from being eaten, he bears my weight when I ask him to” was all the behemoth said in response. His form stiffened a bit before raising his long left leg over the horse and sliding down the ground with a clang of steel and a thump of weight, as if his massive frame was to much for the earth to bear.

“So what burns at you to sing a song of need” skipping the formalities of names for the sake of expediting whatever this female had in mind.

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