Broken By War

Word Count → 786

Excuse the wait, I didn't see that leon finally replied. You also can skip over like the first paragraph and the third paragraph since they are just character development. → Table © kiki

She'd been sticking to the dens lately because of the three week mark of her pregnancy. She had found out she was actually pregnant a week in, after getting over her sickness that had plagued her for the first week. She didn't realize that it was her body telling her that things were happening until the second week in, where she had started to feel hungry a lot of the time. She realized it was not normal and she found her way to Zera'im to make sure that what she was thinking to be true. The woman had verified that she was, indeed pregnant. She'd yet to tell Venom, but she had a feeling he knew already. She'd been slightly angry with him lately, more than likely because of hormones, or maybe because he had been doing things to make her slightly angry. She was a patient woman so she had yet to say anything to him besides "Fuck you, Venom" in which, mostly when she spoke these words he figured she was just joking, and that nothing was really wrong.

She was laying in bed with Octopus at her side, her fingers running through the feline's soft fur. She got the urge to suddenly get up and do something, and she did jump up out of bed rather suddenly and quickly, grabbing her satchel and filling it with some of the things she might need. Her Quartz crystal was one of the things, as well as some bandages, some random herbs, mushrooms, marijuana, and a few other small things that she might get bored and needed for entertainment. Octopus got out of bed too and followed the woman around the room as she gathered things. He meowed at her and she purred back, telling him that she needed some fresh air and she wanted to get out of the den for a little bit. She hadn't been needed at the borders yet, nor did she have any clue that she would be needed soon.

Venom had been off fraternizing with some woman she believed, while Junior, his calico feline, was sitting by the fire that Venom had made before he had left. She found it disgusting that he could even think about flirting with another woman, but he and she were not really in an exclusive relationship. If they were, then both of them would have had reason to be loyal, but Venom was testing the waters, while Panda waited for him to swim back over, tired of all the other pretty little fish that he had found. As far as she knew, he didn't know about her pregnancy, so he had no reason to be 'faithful'. She tried not to mind it. She tried to just suppress the anger and continue on with her life. Suppressing the anger was probably the worst thing she could do to her pups though. She was ignorant to that, and it wasn't like she was one of those luperci whom was used to showing their emotions outwardly. It was very hard for her to do so, even with Venom. He only knew what she was feeling often times because her aura would be shifted to something dark and brooding.

She moved out of the den and towards the entrance to the caves. The moment she was outside of the cave system there was a call to the air that made her ears prick and her head cock to the right. Who ist das? she asked herself, and possibly to her feline companion whom had followed. He mewed back at her in answer, but she did not answer him. She raised her head to the sky and let out a howl herself, telling whoever this was that she was on her way, but it would take her a few minutes since she could not run, or she wouldn't run really. She wasn't willing to do so.

She walked for a good five to ten minutes after that, at a hurried pace, almost a trot. The gray feline was running behind her, and when they approached the two riders, one of them was very much injured, the other was slightly injured as well. Panda had no clue of the war that was going on in the south, because she was not one to visit the packs there too often. She looked at the woman with her chocolate eyes. You are hurt, both of you. What happened?she asked, feeling the need to know what was going on. Come with me please, I don't have all the necessary supplies with me, but I do have them in my den. she spoke to them, waving her hand in a motion to follow her back to the caves.


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