Justice. [J]

Maybe continue this just us? Big Grin

Word Count → 335

Gunnar stood again upon command and nodded in understanding. Yes, sir. He stated carefully. When Jazper surprised him by making Fia tour him to the fort, his tail picked up a bit of a wag and he smiled. Time alone with Fia? Allowed by her father? Awesome! You will, sir. Good evening. And then he was gone.

And then Gunnar was being hugged. He winced, arm instantly moving so he could grab the handle of his scythe, as not to let it hurt her. H-Hey! Careful, Fia. He grinned, using his other arm to return the hug. Behind him, his tail was picking up speed. He laughed softly. I'm sharp and pointy right now.

Eventually, Fia decided it was time to go and Gunnar limped along easily, keeping pace with her a moment after they'd started. I dunno, Fia. He's the father of the girl I wanna court. I'm pretty sure he'd gut me if I so much as annoyed you. He stated honestly, but with a grin and a slightly nervous laugh. He wasn't hiding his intentions to her, nor her father. There was no point.

I'm an annoying little brat sometimes, y'know. He smirked wryly, nudging her gently. When I'm sick? Oh man, I get soooo whiney! He feigned an annoying whine, bumping against her playfully and obviously joking around. She'd earned his affection, attention and trust in the short time they'd spent together. She got to see a rare, childish side of him no one else (other than his mother) got to see. He was the real softie.

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